Hi ! PreProject dev log here,
The idea for this came to me in August '19 and i started to work on it back in September or October. I was originally going to create a Firewatch fan-art but inspired by the likes of OddTales' the Last Night and the words of it's Designer Tim Soret I decided to go for something a bit more interesting and challenging.
I, myself, am an aspiring game designer, I know this project won't be a master piece of amazing design and revolutionary ideas but it gives me some ground to try and experiment with game development, unity and some game design theories I want to study.
I've already started to work on the next update for this project, I'm planning to add music (a Prologue theme chiptune cover), sound design, terrain generation and some kind of player-world interactions. It all should be incrementally added in the following weeks. I was originally going for a Pixel Art + Voxel art style, but decided to challenge myself once more and started to recreate my props in low poly with Blender. I'm already well advanced with this part too. I will be keeping the pixel art nevertheless, for I find that the 2D/3D contrast (originally inspired by Fez and The Last Night) is what makes this whole project so interesting.
In the meantime if you want to learn more about me and my previous games and experiments make sure to check my page as well as my website ( where you'll find links towards my other creations.
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